Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Book News

I have news that I’m privileged to share; I’ve written a book.

It’s called Allergic Girl: Adventures in Living Well With Food Allergies.

Here's the cover, courtesy of John Wiley & Sons , picture copyright Kenneth Chen:

I wrote Allergic Girl in response to the one question I hear again and again: “How do you do it?”

As Worry-Free Dinners members know, I use teachable skills that make our food allergic lives a little safer, a little easier and a lot more fun.

Now, you can have all of my best tools at your fingertips!

Allergic Girl’s a book for food allergic adults (newly diagnosed or old hands like me); the family and friends who love us; and parents who are guiding their children to be responsible and joyful food allergic adults.

Allergic Girl will be published by John Wiley & Sons and will be in stores March 7, 2011 (available for pre-order sooner than that).

Until then, I’ll be blogging some updates on here on this blog site and on Allergic Girl, maybe some contests and definitely some stories about writing a book.

Stay tuned for more information about the book and upcoming Worry-Free Dinners events!

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